
Hot tea in plastic cups filled with danger shine! Water damacanalarından, aluminum foil packaging eat a lot going içtiklerimize. Dr. Sami Mamdouh Taner our daily lives, "leaked" said chemicals.

Radyofarmasist radyokimyager and Dr. Ege University. Sami Mamdouh widely used in our daily lives Taner draws attention to the dangers of some of the packaging materials. Dr. According to Taner, which do not react with food inside, no chemicals leak-proof "glass boxes" should be preferred.
Plastic cups, plates, cutlery,
Plastic cup with hot drink-food consumption and materials that should be left seriously, it must be to intervene in the production of the Ministry of Health. In order to reduce costs and more profit "very thin" plastic cups and plates produced in the witness. Temperature of 70 to 90 degrees with this type of material consumed beverage, in which the polymer (plastic) material by the effect of heat by dissolving monomers separated. This is a dangerous carcinogenic monomers materials.
Foam cups
Köpük, polimer bir malzemedir. Yukarıda açıklanan plastik malzemelere göre ısıl müdahalelere dayanıklılığı daha yüksek gibi görülse de gözenekli yapısı dolayısıyla 100 derece sıcak sıvılar bu materyalin (ör. polistiren) çözünmesini sağlayabilir. Bu durumda yine monomerik gruplar sıvıya geçecek ve oral yolla bünyeye toksik madde alımı gerçekleşebilecektir.
Paper cup
At least the possibility of contact with the hot water switch, applies to paper cups, especially in the U.S., the UK and the European Union are in wide use paper cups. Require the use of recycled materials in terms of human and environmental health is a priority, and all kinds of cold and hot beverages, retail sales abroad made ​​with paper cups. In Turkey, the intensive use of plastic materials and environmental pollution still causes.